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Llevamos 19 clases y 15 semanas

15ª semana B (Presencial)

14ª semana A

13ª semana C

12ª semana B (Presencial)

11ª semana A

10ª semana C

9ª semana B (Presencial)

8ª semana A

7ª semana C

6ª semana B (Presencial)

5ª semana A

4ª semana C

3ª semana B (Presencial)

  • Miércoles 2023/09/27 semana B. Clase nº 4 (Presential Wednesday)
    • Repaso: AsyncMap, Race Conditions in JS, Promise readfile, Callback to Promise, Promise all

2ª semana A

1ª semana C

  • Lunes 2023/09/11 Semana C. Clase nº 1
    • Introducción a la metodología de trabajo, primeras tareas y prácticas, bibliografía, sistema de evaluación, TFA, etc.

All Labs

  1. Lab GraphQL Simple Server
  2. Lab Building a Node.JS OpenAI (3.0) app with NextJS (12.1)
  3. Lab Web Development with NextJS
  4. Lab Prompt Engineering
  5. Lab GitHub Cli Exercises
  6. Lab Event Emitters
  7. Lab Async Generators and for await
  8. Lab Adding Error Management to our own Async-Await
  9. Lab Building our own Async-Await using Generators and Promises
  10. Lab Generators and Iterables
  11. Lab Async Await
  12. Lab Callback to Promise
  13. Lab PromiseAllSettled
  14. Lab Promise_all
  15. Lab Promise readfile
  16. Lab Race Condition: Loading an image with some delay
  17. Lab Async map
  18. Lab IAAS
  19. Lab IDEs based on Visual Studio Code
  20. Lab GitHub Project Board
  21. Lab Aprender Markdown
  22. Lab GitHub Campus Expert
  23. Task GitHub-AluXXXX Form